Price List

Ozone Shock Treatment: Price List & Time Guidelines

Please note that all situations are unique and this chart only serves to estimate approximately how long ozone treatments can be and cost.

Time & Price
Size of Area
Time Required Price
0-1500 sq ft 6 – 20 hours $875.00
1501-2000 sq ft 12 – 20 hours $1000.00
2001 to 2500 sq ft 16 – 20 hours $1150.00
2501 to 3000 sq ft 18 – 24 hours $1300.00
3001 to 4500 sq ft 20 – 28 hours $1650.00
4501 to 6000 sq ft 20 – 30 hours $2000.00
above 6000 sq ft 24+ hours inquire

Free HVAC Duct System sanitized Now Included with any Shock Ozone Treatment!.

*Cost for HVAC Duct Sanitizing Without Any Above Services.

Time & Price
Size of Area
Time Required Price
Each Air Handler 4 – 6 hours $600.00

Often times a HVAC Ozone Shock Treatment of the Air Handler and Ducts will often resolve faint or nuisance odors.
HVAC Semi-Annual contract pricing:
25% discount on 2nd Treatment

* During treatment there can be No People, Pets or Plants!

Our service areas includes:

South Florida, North East Florida, Jacksonville, Daytona, Gainesville, Ocala, Tampa, Lake City, Miami, Naples, etc… and All of Central Florida
Orange, Osceola, Dade, Seminole, Brevard County’s and More.